
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Because someone has to do it..

Help you kill braincells and time that is! I've got a few random videos to wrap up the week. Maybe some serious attempts at posting I'm not sure yet.

First off.. Techno CHicken -

And my other very special video for those of you that are children of the 70's and 80's. A character we should have seen more of on that show we were raised on...

Beaker from the Muppets! Doing Ode to Joy

Monday, January 26, 2009

MMORPG Theater : Tech Vs Sales Guy

Okay time for that weekly video does of something from the game world for vewing entertainment. Mind you this one involves Halo, which I have featured before. I know its not an MMORPG. But the title of the video post stuck which is why its just a weekly event. Also MMORPG Videos I've found get around really fast. So I try to bring something a bit fresh to this table other then something you've already seen.

This weeks video is one of my favs, it always makes me smile to watch it. It shows that if your not Geek, chances are your one of "Them". "Them" being the tech-ignorant. I live with one so this just makes me grateful shes NOT this bad.

Speaking of her, she picked up her Wii Fit today. Dragged me out of bed to set it up for her so she could use it. Shes gotten better about using the remote - even though she won't touch the system without me or someone here with her. So I can only wonder how the Wii Fit will work out for her truly. OR if my self and friends will be the ones making better use of the new toy known as the Wii Fit Board. Anyways.. Video after the Jump!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Careful with that Wii there Son, you might hurt your self..

Something they need to advise you on - next to wearing the strap and objects - is that you might strain muscles and in turn make your self VERY sore. Odd that they don't since most Gamers are "known" for being out of shape and such.

I managed to make my self sore playing bowling yesterday. I thought just my elbow would bother me, but it seems my shoulder and back are in on the attack more so. Its something I should have exspected cause you really do get in to the game. Most I've seriously played on Wii was Wario Party. Which isn't really active, but is lots of good party fun.

Right now I'm downloading the new WoW Patch. I wonder what goodies await me this time. I do remember someone talking about the racial restraints on mounts being lifted. I'm sure thats going to make for a clustefuck of amusement.

I'll report later on any humor worthy findings.

Edit: As I finished this post the patch notes poped up on my screen. I skimmed through them, noting the confirmed Mount change. I skimmed to my Main's Class - Shaman, to see what changes were made. To my less then exuberant joy - I get to RESPEC because they refunded my talent points due to a change in ONE talent tree. I didn't notice if any other class had to respec, but forgive me for being annoyed. My issue is I'm playing a spec - to level mind you - I'm not familiar with. So I had to do a few trial and errors with the tree when I respeced at 71. I had something I could work with. And as I moved up in level I did what i could to improve what I had, but now cause I really don't have a good memory I get to try the game agian. Good times. -.-

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wii Fun, Left 4 Dead and then some..

So, my roommate figured it was time she broke down and bought a Wii. Even though she is a technological reject who with out my help would have lost her computer a few times over. She mainly got it because she wants to get a Wii Fit, I agreed just because I wanted a new toy in the house to have fun with as I've been in a great debate over what Third Gen Console to move forward with first. So we go hunting last night and pick one up at Toys R' Us. Btw did you know some board games are only sold at Toys R' Us now? Crazy that they would get the exclusive rights for such things but hey whatever keeps you in business. Back to the Wii though. Due to life, I didn't get it set up on our TV till today. More hoop jumping of getting it set up in our wireless network and updating ensues.

I've played with Wii's before so its no new thing for me really. Having to maintain two for work has given me some trial and error time with them. But she as the techie ignorant she is, is amazed over how small it is and what it can do. For the moment she's still afraid to use the remote, unsure of the control system (mind you shes the want who wanted to buy it)and would rather was my self and a friend play bowling for three hours without even trying her self. And yes, I kicked his ass seven ways of Sunday. Dun dun duuuuuuuunnnn... Which is a bit trickery then one might thing given the advanced control system of the Wii.

She asks to see the boxing when my friend figures he'd give it a try, but the moment we hand her the controllers she acts like we've given her the cloth that cover Jesus and doesn't want to move like she needs too. She ends up frustrated and chooses to sit back out. As much as I love her, shes one of the people who make me believe that if you don't know how to work it without help - then you don't need to own it. What is she going to do when I move out? Call me at four in the morning to tell her how to sync her wii fit board? I might kill her if she tried!

I've been busy gaming wise, not so much with WoW like I should be. My Shammie is level 77, but may stay there as I wait for Guldies to catch up. I've done all the quests I can for my level that I can do on my own without my epic flying mount. So I really need to farm gold if anything.

I don't think he wants a kiss...

But have no fear ! I've been owning my friends in my new FPS love - Left 4 Dead. OMFG if the game was alive I'd make love to it. The AI, the zombies alone and the game play are just so omfg amazing!! I hate Bill and Zoey when the computer controls them. Zoey because she always one shots my ass when I'm infected before I can even get close. Bill because the damn ass wouldn't take the pills I gave him when he was near dead, he kept getting in my way during the Train yard Level of Death Toll and thus nearly got me killed twice. I was more then happy to leave his ass for the horde when they rushed us at the house before the safe room.

Its a game we can't get enough of in my gaming group. If we have the chance to play around we haul ass to try and squeeze in two. Its so easy to forget time and get lost in the game figuratively and literally. As you advance your level of difficulty the game changes. Spawn points of special zombies that can quickly end you to a door you might have used before you died or a spawn point of ammo that you had used before. I may love this game as much as I love BioShock in my FPS heart. And that's a hard spot to earn as I'm not normally a big FPS fan. Too many of them seem the same. But Valve out did them selves with Left 4 Dead. I could go on for hours so I'm going to end that here...

What do you plan to do with that, exactly?

MMORPG Theater : Internet is for Porn WoW Style..

Uhm... No Comment? Yeah this one is not safe for work or kid friendly. But its amusing all the same. Enjoy!

Video after the jump..

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

MMORPG Theater : UT3 Vs Halo Dance Off

Before the irritated comments begin, I've been sick and kept my happy gamer ass in bed rather then spreading the plague as a few of my friends were so kind to do. My local Gamer hang out has been littered with people who should have kept their oozing, coughing, sniffling bodies at home. Moving on though to the belated video..

This week's feature is an amusing mix of FPS - in a head to head.. dance off? Yep. UT3 and Halo meet for a dance off - of all things. The results are a bit head tilt worthy and I got a good giggle out of it hence why I am displaying it even for you. While I'm not sure if the high quality one will be available via my blog - I recommend clicking on the video to go to the portal for it to watch the high quality one. The makers of the video went to the trouble of putting it up - we should enjoy the high detail goodness!

Also I may be throwing up links to some of my fav indie comics that are online strips. I'll be sure to write an article on each so you get a good idea of the insanity I may be subjecting you too (asides from my own right? XD.

Video after the jump like normal....