Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Seriously?...Seriously? Spiderman 4 News..
Okay, so I was reading over Topless Robot today and found something that made me want to punch my monitor. I can't even describe the horrid information I viewed. I feel bad for TR having to write the article about it. For Shame! Spider man 1 & 2 were great - better then expected given Hollywood's comic to movie history. 3 was a bit of a cluster fuck but I know many nerds that got over it and forgave them. Even enjoyed it.
But from what TR has posted, is this the end of good nerd movies? That they would screw up the story of a CLASSIC comic this far in to a franchise? A story that was ONLY mucked up when they did the "One More Day.." Story line that fucking reset things that had been going on for over fifteen years.
You can read the article here.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Just random Spam..
So Mt. Dew is doing a WoW Promo. Call me a tool for doing it, but for the chance to get a new PC, trip to Blizcon or one of the other nifty things worth my time. Sure. WHY not.. Something to check out for your self as well kids.. enjoy!
Monday, June 8, 2009
Seriously WHAT THE FUCK?
Girl admits to rosting Kitten as a prank
I'm at a loss for words. I thing the girl should be put in an oven her self to see how well she likes it. Its just beyond inhumane to do something on this level. I get locking the cat in a closet or some place just to irritate the owner as the girl "claimed " she was trying to do. But CRANKING up the oven and putting a defenseless kitten inside? Then leaving cause you didn't want to hear the poor thing beg for its life.
She deserves to be locked in a psych ward for the remainder of her life. She sounds like the type of girl to put out posion laced tuna to kill the neighborhood cats.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Geek Summer Movie news you can use!

So not many things make me excited. Lots of "Geek" claimed movies - claimed, not earned/known/confirmed. I say this because of movies like G.I.Joe. I despite being a My Little Pony obsessed girl did watch G.I.Joe - it was one of the few cartoons Fox would air in the mornings. But from the posters and the limited amount of trailers out there ( Not too boot the limited amount of AIR TIME they are even giving the movie) makes me wonder if they are even skeptical about their ability to pull the movie off. The international Poster was more of a hack job that is conflicting in the fact it lacked a headlining villain from the series.
But this article is not supposed to bring you down my loyal readers - its meant to highlight movies that should be worth your time and interest in viewing! A few are direct to DVD - but I feel the plot and what I've been able to view thus far make it worthy to note. And most of them may be horror related because - Well I love horror so yeah. So let us begin!

- Official Website -
What would you do if virus was passed simply by talking? One that turned those you loved in to destructive crazed strangers? Well that's the question posed in Pontypool, in a matter of ways. The day seems like any other day for the radio station till floods of calls start coming in about people doing disturbing things to their friends and neighbors. How can you warn the world about how to deal with it, if it means passing/contracting the virus your self?
This one has me excited if just because this is a direction the Zombie films have not gone. We've seen virus passed by bites and by blood, ones that kill you and those that just transform you. But a virus that passes by simply speaking? Rather original I would say. A key point to the plot is the fact that the movie doesn't (from what I've seen in trailers and clips) shows nothing of the horror going on outside, but centers it's view on a Radio Jock and his staff locked with in the small town radio studio.
This is also a IFC film which adds to my curiosity as I've seen a few flicks that they have pushed out in such a way and been surprised as well as pleased. I've also been watching the station they have on cable and been impressed with the work they are displaying. Here's hopes that Pontypool lives up to my expectations they have set for me.
-Official website -

Our world ends, but its just the beginning of the world for something left behind. A creature, a life made by one of our own. But the beasts of our wars - our undoing - is still lurking in the shadows waiting for this new creature.
Okay I am a Tim Burton Geek. I tend to absolutely love anything he does. But this film, when I seen the trailer, I was blown away. It didn't hesitate to suck me in and claim me as it's eager bitch. The choice of just music till the end and it only being one song -"Welcome Home" by Coheed and Cambria - I nearly wet my self in joy. The few later trailers provide us with more information about the plot but remained relatively simple and gave away no more information then the first. I can not wait for this to hit the big screen.
This one seems to be flying under the radar despite it's all star cast. It's going to be a film I think that will surprise the masses as it plays on the fear of how our world will end and what will happen once we are gone.

- Official Website -
In the time before donating ones body for the medical field, Doctors and Scientist alike turned to Body Snatchers for body's to test, work and learn from. This is the tail of two body snatchers and the adventures they incurred while digging up the dead to make their living. Body Snatchers Arthur Blake and Willie Grimes have pillaged their last grave. With just five hours before Arthur follows Willie to the chopping block, he recounts his life story to Fr Francis Duffy. It soon becomes clear that Blake and Grimes were no ordinary grave robbers. And through his stories the priest learns that not all corpses are equal. I Sell The Dead is a kaleidoscope of terror that will leave you questioning life, death and what lies between.
This one is labeled a horror, but I see a bit more comedy in the mix then blood guts and gore. I think that's why it has my eye because those that most deem "horror" because of the topic they cover or the lines they travel don't always stay that way. It also features a decently assembled cast for such a under the radar movie. So I'm curious to see exactly what tale the bodies will tell.
Where the Wild things are

- Official website -
No Synapse for this - why? Because if your reading this blog you should have read the book as a child! NO EXCUSES!! Okay okay. The movie follows the tale of Max, who after a fight with his mother runs away from home. Only to find him self in a land where the wild things are.
Yes, that's all you get. Want to know more? GO GET THE BOOK.
I'm excited for this movie because it looks to be very dedicated to the art and style of the book as well as the story. Rather then use tons of CGI to craft the monsters they return to the valiant art of puppetering and suits. I say valiant because its not easy to make something that five people have to operate together and make it look natural/human like. I think its a nice return since EVERYTHING abuses CGI just because its available now. Makes my brain hurt. I get it for the movies that use it in place of things that would have sent them over budget - especially indy stuff. But major flicks do it too, when they could do it for real. Seriously.

- Official Website -
"Official synopsis" - Two crewmen awaken from hyper-sleep aboard a spacecraft. None of their equipment is working, and their memories are incomplete. What was their mission? How much time has passed? Where are they? Who are they? As they try to piece things together, they discover they are not alone, and the ship's new inhabitants - tribal warriors carrying crudely made weapons - are moving among them, intent on killing all aboard. As the space travelers unravel the frightening and deadly secrets the ship harbors, they realize the survival of mankind hinges on their actions. They must regain control of the ship before PANDORUM takes over.
My interpretations from what I've seen in the trailers - A ship traveling in deep space with a full crew and passenger list goes from normal mission to fight for survival. Two crew left in hyper sleep wake to find the ship is empty of those who should have been on board. They struggle to figure out what happened to those who should have been there as well as what happened to the ship. They soon discover they are not the only ones left alive. But they are not entirely alone on the ship either...
Okay space movies screw with my brain. Don't ask me why, that type of stuff can creep me out. Aliens? LOVED IT, but I was scared to hell and back. Event Horizon - yeah, nightmares even though I like it. I don't get it but I think its the thought of what may be waiting for us in space isn't going to be friendly with us. Or may even be something we don't understand or can deal with. I felt the need to share this because it looks rather amazing. And the world has been lacking in good Sci-Fi Horror movies in recent years.

Blood : The Last Vampire
- Official website -
Okay. I saved this for last because this has to be the one I am gunning for above all. I've been watching the anime over and over since I heard about them making a live action. Whats even more impressive is it's not going to stay over seas where I'll have to buy it as an over priced import dvd. If your in to anime or vampires and have yet to see this - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOU DO SO NOW!! The story is short, but draws you in from start to finish. The anime to some can seem a bit dizzying as they never pause to truly explain anything, but i feel that's the best part. The animation is amazing as well as the attention to detail within it. The manga I believe did a bit more upon the story telling and gave more detail to the who/how/why.
The trailer shows that its going to incorporate the anime shot for shot with many scenes, as well as expand on it so much more. I will play nice and share the trailer as I'm very excited to see this come to the US. The fight scenes will be a bit over the top, as its done by the same guy who did Hero and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. But I think it will put more impact on the fact the man character is not human like she appears to be. Enjoy the trailer!
Legal bits after the jump..
Legal bits:
Much of the information on what the movie is about, was provided by Bloody-Disgusting.Com. A place I highly recommend for horror/thriller/suspense fans of any type. Lots of information, some of it you can only find there.
The images I used, I found on google.com's image search are are Copyrighted by their respective owners. Respect that or die. The opinions here are my own and are in no way meant to reflect or appear to be those of the Major Motion Pictures I've highlighted or the company's that produce and/or back them. Official websites were provided for you to get the direct info on them if you liked.
I am a fan girl, I bite and I'm not looking for a lawsuit. I may do another post like this of movies where I'm curious but unsure. Link all the fun stuff, a few have confusing (over zealous propaganda for the film work mostly) websites so I'll try to link trailers as well if I can.
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