Not really sure how to start this honestly. I mean, how do you really talk about your self? I suppose its something that may come through more as I blog and you read. But I think some background information helps.
I come from a mostly female family. I was raised by my grandmother and mother. I only have a sister and a few cousins I consider siblings because they spent so much time in my house or I in their. SO there goes any talk of me getting in to games because of a Brother. ^_^ Kinda makes me proud I guess.
Our very first system was a classic NES. I loved Duck Hunt, though I did try to shoot the dog a few times due to his mockery. My sister liked Mario. I remember we got it for Christmas along with a TV for us to play it on. My mom I think did it to keep us busy so she could watch TV in the Living room, but as she listened to us play she got in to playing her self.
It became a family thing to play Duck Hunt or Super Mario. It was fun times for us really, my grama even got in to playing as well. Something that continued in to our next system - the Sega Genesis. While I don't remember what other games we had for the NES, we had tons for the Sega. As well as having the system for a rather long time. My grandma and my sister got in to playing Toe Jam and Earl. It was there way of spending time together, mostly impart due to as my sister got older the more her and my grandma seemed to clash.
We had Sonic and a few 2-d side scrollers, as well as Street Fighter II. Mortal Kombat was one of my favorites. The list is gets kinda endless here. Life moved on and we changed consoles agian. This time upgrading to the snazzy Play Station.
We all ooh'd and Ahh'd over it as we all tried to find games we could get in too. Mom and Grama found Casino style games they liked to play on it, while my sister found racing games and Crash Bandicoot were her flavor. I struggled to get in to them, the casino ones were alright and racing was sorta fun - unless my sister picked a track she knew and I didn't.
This though would be where I found a genera where my addiction would really begin. Silent Hill. Creepy, nerve wracking and SO GOD DAMN COOL. I played through it over and over again till I had each portion of the game nearly memorized. Beautiful graphics compared to so many of the time, a life all its own. I was amazed. My passion for this style of games still flourishes today. I love a game that can pull you in by the collar and hold you there till your gasping for air. I followed it with Resident Evil and anything that seemed close to the style of either.
This is however where my console journey with my family ends though. Times changed, people changed. We ended up getting a computer at some point, and I got in to playing (For some reason) the silly little games it came with. They kept me busy, but as I figured out the functions of a pc I moved along in gaming. I got my first taste of a RTS with Cesar. It was a great game I loved to play, addictive really. I actually have a current version of the game to play, but with the updated graphics and snazzy new features to actually go in the houses of the people in your town - I still love the very first.
Part 2 to come...
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