Time drags on.
I started dating and a few boyfriends in I find one in to gaming on consoles. And fearing to be rusty as he's on a PS2, I'm more curious to watch and observe over his shoulder then jump in to gaming. At one point a friend of his finds out about this and attempts to convince him to marry me as soon as he can. I find the humor in it of course, but whats even funnier is I'm still with him to this day. Gaming away, but I'm getting a head of my self.
It is with the PS2 I find New additions to the Silent Hill and RE families. A few sleepless weekends later of gaming at his place I add these to my happy memory box. I soon discover Fatal Frame. It was like the rush when I discovered Silent Hill. The game play was new and unusual - if a bit frustrating at times with the restrictions to camera movements but the game didn't lose its hold on me. I soon added it to my list of games to play till the disk broke.
I get in to playing with him in Slayers and other fighting games. You win some and lose some. Then one day when we were hanging out I wander in to the game room to find him playing a curious game on the PC. I'd never seen it before, it looked like some card game but not with playing cards. So in my usual way, I sat and watched. It was a couple days till I got the urge to ask him to play my self. He sat by my side and helped walk me through my new addiction - Magic the Gathering. The game, now seriously out dated, was a PC version in which you played a Plains Walker trying to save a world from being taken over. It was amusing, but he soon told me that it wasn't just a PC game. WHAT? I had to see this.
So we dug around in a closet in his room to find a moving box full of MtG cards. I dove in reading what I could get my hands on. It wasn't long till he was helping me build a Green deck. And he found his old decks for us to play with. It became something fun for us to do when we just wanted to sit and spend time together. Playing with the cards, making new decks or looking at what was coming out.
Another skip in years, we move (as in him and I) and the addiction keeps going. We find places to play against others. We become regulars and get better at our skills and game styles - he's more aggressive while I play on strategy. After some time of learning rules and getting better I take over running the weekly events for a friend at his Comic and Gaming Shop. I get to be a bigger geek by picking up my comics on top of gaming. Go me.
It gets better though, as my friend loses his shop help he asks me to take his place in helping him run the shop. I gladly agree to it, while working with my boyfriend to get him in place to run the FNM when I wasn't able to. Now at the shop we cover all types of gaming, table top, console, LAN gaming and miniatures. So now on a daily bases I get a great big helping of other types of gaming. This is where I get an exposure to WoW. At first I giggle and mock it, amused by it in truth. Months though in what is really a far more stressful job then some might think, I cave and make a trial account to vent some stress. It was better then I expected and far more entertaining.
In between all of this insanity - I get in to Anime. LORD do I get in to it, Cosplaying and all. My best friend took me to my first AnimeCon. BEST TIME EVER. Anyway I can sum this part up in one word - Otaku. Tyvm. My mom also raised me on Star Wars, Star Trek and M*A*S*H. So yeah I'm just all over the f*king place really.
Currently I still work for this shop, I'm still with the boyfriend and I'm a big geek. As it stands my Boss got in to Warhammer and 40k. I'm currently looking at building my own army, as well as my boyfriend. I still play Magic, if anything to appease the guys surprised to hear a girl plays. I play WoW.. and consoles.. and more then I really have money for. God Help me.
But hey... I'm a Gamer.
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