I received a call Monday from the CEO of BODacious Magazine asking me to represent the magazine on a Spanish Talk show. Foolishly I assumed I would have time for my normal routines, it was only once I talked to the Producer from the show I learned they wanted me in Miami this past week for filming. Go-go Headless Chicken time. For those who want to read more about the event I'm going to defer you to my other blog.
I will resume my normal updates this coming Monday - barring I've not lost my mind in my up coming move.
In Gaming for me, I accomplished all of the V-day events in WoW with TWO exceptions - The Perma Peddelfeet and Pitty the Fool. Why Might you ask to the latter? I'm still only 78 with no Cold Weather flying. I do have the loaner mount from the one vendor, but due to the fact it is only a 60% speed increase and marks you as " Busy" in any attempt to agro or select something without exiting it first - I've nearly lost my mind in frustration. A guildie who is a good friend has offered to loan me 500 Gold it I raised the other portion first. I started that attempt last weekend by selling tons of stuff I had been setting on and I've not checked on my process since due to my RL disruption. Here's hoping though that I made more then just the five hundred needed so I don't go COMPLETELY broke.

In Warhammer 40k I'm looking forward to the new purchase of my Keeper of Secrets from Forge World. GOD SHE IS SEXY! And she will be modified by the illustrious Golden Dragon Winner Steve Fields. And hopefully she will win a Golden Dragon. I will have pictures for the progression of the modification as well as finished product. I may only play with her on occasion as the KoS is a point over kill for the direction I plan to take my army, she will be beautiful for Apocalypse games. And because its also amazingly beautiful ( the way they painted it ) I'm closing this post with a picture of the New (and now avilable) Brass Scorpion. Enjoy kids and see you monday!

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