But more and more the fans seem to have better eyes and visions for how movies should be then how they are getting made. It makes me cry right now that they are REMAKING Alien and Buffy. Not the Buffy TV show - the movie that predates the tv show. WHAT THE FUCK?! Okay okay.. I can see Buffy. It was fairly corny, cheesy and was meant to ride on a special actors 90210 fandom. Fail there.. But Alien? ZOMG FAIL NO. NO.
What makes me think that fans have better eyes for what should be done? Well thanks to Topless Robot post. I can bring you this :
And I quote from TR :
Fillion himself has seen it and deemed it "awesome," so you know it's good. I swear, I know Warner Bros. probably wants to cast somebody young like Chris Pine or Bradley Cooper in the role of Hal Jordan, but I don't know how you can look at Fillion's square jaw and not think of Hal Jordan.
I WHOLE HEARTILY agree sir. Most whole heartily. More geek fan made goodies after the jump..
These are just proof that Hollywood really needs to listen to the fans. YES, they need to make a movie that everyone can see/understand. But they fail to acknowledge a good portion of those dropping the money opening weekend are the fans they need to please. Cause as the please the nerd friends, they tell non-nerd friends to see it. Who then are drawn to what originally made the film. Least those with a brain and the natural human curiosity still working for them.
And yes.. I know there are HUNDREDS of HUNDREDS of bad fan made trailers. But I still think when Hollywood see's ones like those above.. they need to stand up and pay attention to the makers of them. Seriously.