For the moment I have stopped the MMORPG Theater videos. I'm not trolling about Youtube much to find anything worth posting. Kill me for being selective. I'll start it up next month or so when I'm sure there will be new videos to catch my eye. As for the picture above its of my sexy new Harley Quinn figure. I got her last week and she is SEXY! Moving on though!

In the past couple of weeks two events took place in WoW - Noblegarden and Children's Week. Noblegarden was meant for Easter but because it was changed from years previous to make it more worth while and something of a challenge for us it was delayed till last week. I'd have to say I enjoyed the changes, the eggs were larger for one! And it was quite fun for it to be more like an actual Egg hunt. Some of them were obviously placed, some not so obviously placed. You collected chocolate from the eggs and could use the chocolate to buy items from vendors. Bunny ears, a dress and so forth. I believe also all the items had a chance to drop from an Easter Egg as well. So many people ended up with multiple items - I my self have a couple of dresses and pants because of this.

Childrens week began at the end of last week and the end of Noblegarden. You pick up an orphan from the orphanage in a select Major city of your fraction - Storm Wind for Alliance and Orgrimmar for the Horde. As well as Shatt for both fractions. You take the child around to sites they want to see, give them candy and then take them home. In return you get a non-combat pet to remind you of them. As well this year, with the achievements it was a bit..more. To get the title you had to have "Personal Achievements" from battle grounds. Which right now as a healer is a bit difficult to pull off, and even more difficult cause my Battle group has gone in the shitter since Wrath. Why this, I don't know. But I am willing to accept this may not happen till next year once I had duelspec open to me and a decent Enhancement set.
NOW on to Left for Dead!
In the past two weeks a new patch dropped for it as well. Opening up a new single level board as well as Survivor mode. I've been able to observe it and it is intense - but as for playing it life has granted me little time at the shop to shut down and do it. Last week was a big weekend for us so my focus was on Free Comic Book Day. Anyway - the single level board is just for Survivor mode from my understanding. They give you all sorts of goodies to hold of the horde and the objective is to last as long as you can while the game throws wave after wave after wave of Horde and special zombies.
I observed my friend playing and they had managed to last long enough to end up with two tanks smashing the team apart. Good times await me!!
Till next time..
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