While there has been a great amount of buzz regarding video game, comic and general nerd movies to be hitting the big screen in 2010, only a few have been making their way out for grubby hands to share and bitch about. Two were reported to get Super Bowl add spots, but alas I only seen one. That one being Prince of Persia. I played the game ages ago and in my thirst for Bioshock ownership, traded it in. Nothing a truly regret, considering I can get it for a decent price now if the urge to play strikes me
Quite a few movies though have surfaced and I think are worth a look. While I am awaiting the results of the Nightmare on Elm Street reboot - images looking good so far, but I want a trailer, not a teaser - I've been keeping my eye to the movie zone in curiosity as to what would be coming our way next.
Now time to mix it up a bit, shall we? Oh and pardon the over-sized trailer videos, I couldn't help posting the HD ones. They looked too good not to give you that much, since I've been gone for so long.
1. Alice in Wonderland - Tim Burton (reboot/retelling)
To say I am a Tim Burton whore is a bit of an understatement. Chances are if he directed it I sat through it once if don't own it on DVD in multiple variations and formats. This looks amazing. His play on color as well as with digital augmentation of the actors is amazing an amazing choice. I remember a few months ago when posters began to hit the web, confusion and curiosity seemed to be everyone's first response. Now that trailers have been circulating and people can see a bit more of how the movie will be its doing what Tim Burton does best, spark the imagination and take it to a whole new place you never knew. I can't wait to see this!
2. The Last Airbender ( aka. Avatar ) by M. Night Shamalana ( Cartoon/Anime Live action adaption)
This has been another I've been keeping an eye on since I heard word they were doing a live action movie of it. The Cartoon is amazing and for what it is, tackles a lot of issues the world faces today - coexistence of nations that don't always see eye to eye, peace & war, tolerance of others and more. The cartoon is worth a watch if you have a few days to kill, airing nightly on Nicktoons Network, part of the Nickelodeon family. The trailer shows many scenes that are shot for shot from the cartoon in some fashion, much to the surprise of critics of M. Night given his running track with his last few films. The biggest issue I've heard about this movie was something so trivial it made me want to punch babies - not really but you get the stress of my point. Two of the main characters are from a northern tribe, if I had to guess inspired by Alaskan Native American tribes, but the complaint was that they didn't look Asian enough. Talk about a double take, I think I actually bitched about this in public because of the stupidity of the people trying to call the movie "Racist" over the fact they hired non Asian decent actors to play these two characters.
Uhm, hello? Have you SEEN THE SHOW? They have blue eyes and a freaking tan! Oh oh not to add they are taller and leaner then Ang. Congratulations on failing at observation. Another point - the world this story is set in is NOT OUR OWN. Its a FICTIONAL WORLD, there for has it's own "races" and so forth. While yes, I will agree much of it is inspired by our own Asian Cultures in existence currently, that does not mean that they MUST be or ARE Asian. Stupid people give me a headache sometimes.
3. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time ( Video game Adaption)
This looks amazing as well as another shot for shot love fest from game to film adaption for what they at least shared with us in the trailer. While when I originally heard Jake Gyllenhaal was getting the part, I was a bit worried since he doesn't look very middle eastern. Yet it seems a good tan has done him good, he looks like the character from the game spot on. Many thanks to Disney and Mr. Bruckheimer for trying to keep the retelling as well as they have. Unlike some other company's who've lost their minds it seems.
4. Kick Ass (Comic Adaption)
This looks to be hysterically funny, as well as potentially the best (as well as quickest) adaption of a comic to movie I've seen. Yes, this was a comic, we couldn't keep it in the store. It was amazing, the company kept having to do random reprints of the first issues because they only got a few issues out before people went nuts for it. It took me for ever to find this copy of the trailer, I love this version. There are others out there, one is an extended one and another is a red band trailer. Feel free to youtube it up for them, beyond that I can only really let this video do the talking.
5. Clash of the Titans (reboot)
I will be the first to admit, when I heard about this reboot I rejected it. I was raised on the original. It was amazing and for many years was a spring of imagination and thrills for me. How could it be out done? How could they do better? This trailer won me over. It makes me want to go see it, to enjoy an updated version of a movie I adored in my childhood, that introduced me to Roman and Greek mythology to start a life time love affair with the old world and stories. The character choices they show thus far, are impressive and do the job to make me want to see it more.
I do believe that sums up this week's/months edition on movies of Nerd worthy note. Email me if you think I missed something. Strange return to posting on a regular basis but sometimes I need a swift kick in the rear. I've spent the better part of two days watching videos to put this together for you all. I do have a few movies worth noting, but not posting about full on since they are already in theaters and I'm a late mofo.
Take a peek:
Avatar - Go see it if you haven't. Its worth it.
The Book of Eli - Another must see right now.
The Lovely Bones - Something a little more drama, not so much action.
Legion - Who doesn't love an end of the world look?
Sherlock Holmes - Robert Downy Jr. Enough said?
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