Okay, I'm going to bed shortly but I found this video and nearly fell off my chair.
Last fall a comic called " Kick-ass" was put out. It was about a kid who read comics, and was inspired to be a SuperHero. He makes a costume and then sets about to stop crime, well.. try. He gets his ass handed to him and is hospiltized. Others though, hearing of his attempt to do good decied to do the same. The boy is shocked to find out that he's managed to inspire people to be Superheros.
Well it seems a group of people have brought the comic to life. Seriously. Heres a video about one of them from my home state of Ohio. A new level to taking back the streets?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Pac-man on the loose IRL - But is an ass too.
I found this video on Topless Robot and felt the need to share. Its a video by Remi Gaillard who apparently - as I'm oblivious 95.5% of the time - has done a few Fan Geek videos. Each managing to be a bit of a nuisance while still being hilarious and disturbing the French Public. I feel his pain though when he gets wailed on by the golfer. OUCH!
Epic Red Dragon is a piece of Cake.. Litterly!!

All that is geek and great rejoice. I was highly amused to come across a picture post. So much so, that I felt the need to share with the geeks who read this. A Epic Red Dragon Cake. *squeal of joy* The dragon sits a top a mega mat play mat with gold coins scattered about its massive body and a extremely large D20 under its front right paw. With a commanding gaze and a knowing smirk of the ass kicking it will/would have in store for some poor adventurers - that is if it wasn't a great Geek Birthday Cake!
Now if your interested in having this hansom devil of a dragon grace a table for your next Geek Event, it only cost a easy $750. Much credit for the brilliant creation of this delicious monster goes to the baker, a Mike McCarey of Mike’s Amazing Cakes.
More pictures after the jump!

Friday, April 10, 2009
Back under the sea in BioShock 2!
Fresh off the presses! Video of game play from BioShock 2 : Sea of Dreams. I'm eagerly awaiting for this game and will be giving up L4D to play though this as many times as I can get in.
In BioShock 2, you play as a Big Daddy chasing or being chased by a Big Sister. Like before your collecting Little sisters, but this time they harvest adam along side you - or you can harvest them like in the first game. Once again you can also "upgrade" your self to fling fire, lightening bolts or lift objects. The new improvment though is you can use your plasmids and a wepon at the same time! Something to make quick work of the splicers you face. And as shown in the video, its something your going to need.
It looks as amazing as the first game and the game play video shows it will be a smooth effortless game that will be sure to have people camping their TV's for weekends to come after its release. I hope to see them do a Special Edition with the new Big Sister as the figure as the figure to get.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
L4D Humor

This is an entire post dedicated to the Humor spawned by Left 4 Dead. A good portion is just randomness, but more of it verges on perverted. All it takes is looking at it the right way.
* edit - While working on this article for your viewing pleasure did I only find out how much of my first statement is wrong. ITS PORN OUT THERE!!! I knew about a humorous obsession with Bill and Louis - but I completely missed this Zoey and Witch fandom! Might I note, we as gamers never seem to have enough time to finish all the games we want to - yet we find the time to make perverted pairings along with art, audio and video for them? WHAT THE FUCK GUYS?!- Now back to your normal broadcast.. *
Now for those of you who have been living under a rock the last six months or so - Left 4 Dead is a FPS from Valve with a "learning" A.I. I've found that it sometimes adjusts what I would call the intelligence of the NPC's should you have them among your group. Sometimes they are 'aware' of whats going on around them, other times they are as blind as Helen Keller in traffic.
For example - there is a Special Zombie known as a Witch. When startled she attacks, two smacks lays out a character. Leaving them sprawled with just their pistils to defend against her attacks or regular horde attacks. A few times we've notice the NPC's will walk RIGHT over her, even if its actually away from the path to follow. Other times they will verbally warn about her and even avoid her.
Back to the humor that has spawned from this game. Staring with something on the perverted side, is a video called Left 4 Bed. Its all audio clips from the video game, from between the two characters Bill and Louis - something that apparently is a fascination for many. People have went as far as to take the original audio and make a Gary's Mod made video to pair it with. Check out more after the jump!
For those of you who feel the need to look up the Gary's mod one, just look for " Left for Bed". It should be a couple down. There is also a Zoey and Frances one but I'm not really impressed with it.
Another amusing video done is a flash video. Using sound clips from the game " Left 4 Speed" was created by OneyNG. Its the best summery of how things tend to go down when no one has a clue of whats going on in Left 4 dead. Which even among a group of experienced players can happen.
Another fun one using sound clips - they all seem to but hey whatever - is Francis hates left for dead. Its a song made up of the character Francis sound clips from game play. Each area they all have random comments about the area they are in. And someone took a great amount of time to make this video and I thank them. Its spawned so many more jokes. Like the image above.
More of the humor aspects come from game play, glitches and people finding out those fun game code errors no one seen coming. My favorite thus far is a glitch with a statue in Dead Air. I've yet to try/find this one out for my self. But the video alone as a hilarious note for anyone who's played.
Like with all though the humor does venture in to the art world. Drawings and such of events, characters and thoughts have been spawned by the leagues of gamers who are now dedicated fans of the game. As interwebs nerds - they have even invaded LOLCats. Below are some fine examples of what I am willing to show. Some go.. well to a few places I wouldn't. Google is your friend if you want it. I tried to find images of something other then the witch, but I'd rather you just find out for your self what I seen.

As I find things that make me laugh about the game. I'll share. For now folks thats all I got I think.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Lack of attention span..
Okay okay okay. I fail I know. But I have a good reason, I've yet to find any good videos for MMOrpg Theater recently and I've been working on my life as it needed some TLC attention.
Gaming wise though I am still going strong. My Shammie is level 80 - I know I'm lazy but I didn't want to bust through all the new content. I also took time off and worked like crazy doing the holiday events. Shes getting her T7.5 gear when I get selected to jump in raids. Other wise I'm farming to have the gold for the duel spec calculator once its available in the next patch. It will make life so much easier!
Also I have been lucky to get one of the new loot cards that drops a "Spectral Tiger" like bouncing thing. I can't describe it really. But if I can cast a spell while on it - OMG its going to get dropped during raids so I can just cast from it!
I've not had much chance to play Left 4 Dead which makes me a sad panda - but hey we can't always go off to kill zombies. Fun times are ahead I am sure. The new updates for L4D should be dropping soon which will allow for Versus mode on Death Toll and Dead Air. YAY! I can't wait for it really. I'll try to do a serious writing of some sort later. Maybe.
For now I'll share the videos of the new Loot Cards in action. The fun times is enough to make me want to sign on to a PTR and have fun with the stupid fun that it creates with beating people with foam swords. YAY!
Videos after the jump..
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