This is an entire post dedicated to the Humor spawned by Left 4 Dead. A good portion is just randomness, but more of it verges on perverted. All it takes is looking at it the right way.
* edit - While working on this article for your viewing pleasure did I only find out how much of my first statement is wrong. ITS PORN OUT THERE!!! I knew about a humorous obsession with Bill and Louis - but I completely missed this Zoey and Witch fandom! Might I note, we as gamers never seem to have enough time to finish all the games we want to - yet we find the time to make perverted pairings along with art, audio and video for them? WHAT THE FUCK GUYS?!- Now back to your normal broadcast.. *
Now for those of you who have been living under a rock the last six months or so - Left 4 Dead is a FPS from Valve with a "learning" A.I. I've found that it sometimes adjusts what I would call the intelligence of the NPC's should you have them among your group. Sometimes they are 'aware' of whats going on around them, other times they are as blind as Helen Keller in traffic.
For example - there is a Special Zombie known as a Witch. When startled she attacks, two smacks lays out a character. Leaving them sprawled with just their pistils to defend against her attacks or regular horde attacks. A few times we've notice the NPC's will walk RIGHT over her, even if its actually away from the path to follow. Other times they will verbally warn about her and even avoid her.
Back to the humor that has spawned from this game. Staring with something on the perverted side, is a video called Left 4 Bed. Its all audio clips from the video game, from between the two characters Bill and Louis - something that apparently is a fascination for many. People have went as far as to take the original audio and make a Gary's Mod made video to pair it with. Check out more after the jump!
For those of you who feel the need to look up the Gary's mod one, just look for " Left for Bed". It should be a couple down. There is also a Zoey and Frances one but I'm not really impressed with it.
Another amusing video done is a flash video. Using sound clips from the game " Left 4 Speed" was created by OneyNG. Its the best summery of how things tend to go down when no one has a clue of whats going on in Left 4 dead. Which even among a group of experienced players can happen.
Another fun one using sound clips - they all seem to but hey whatever - is Francis hates left for dead. Its a song made up of the character Francis sound clips from game play. Each area they all have random comments about the area they are in. And someone took a great amount of time to make this video and I thank them. Its spawned so many more jokes. Like the image above.
More of the humor aspects come from game play, glitches and people finding out those fun game code errors no one seen coming. My favorite thus far is a glitch with a statue in Dead Air. I've yet to try/find this one out for my self. But the video alone as a hilarious note for anyone who's played.
Like with all though the humor does venture in to the art world. Drawings and such of events, characters and thoughts have been spawned by the leagues of gamers who are now dedicated fans of the game. As interwebs nerds - they have even invaded LOLCats. Below are some fine examples of what I am willing to show. Some go.. well to a few places I wouldn't. Google is your friend if you want it. I tried to find images of something other then the witch, but I'd rather you just find out for your self what I seen.

As I find things that make me laugh about the game. I'll share. For now folks thats all I got I think.
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