Okay okay okay. I fail I know. But I have a good reason, I've yet to find any good videos for MMOrpg Theater recently and I've been working on my life as it needed some TLC attention.
Gaming wise though I am still going strong. My Shammie is level 80 - I know I'm lazy but I didn't want to bust through all the new content. I also took time off and worked like crazy doing the holiday events. Shes getting her T7.5 gear when I get selected to jump in raids. Other wise I'm farming to have the gold for the duel spec calculator once its available in the next patch. It will make life so much easier!
Also I have been lucky to get one of the new loot cards that drops a "Spectral Tiger" like bouncing thing. I can't describe it really. But if I can cast a spell while on it - OMG its going to get dropped during raids so I can just cast from it!
I've not had much chance to play Left 4 Dead which makes me a sad panda - but hey we can't always go off to kill zombies. Fun times are ahead I am sure. The new updates for L4D should be dropping soon which will allow for Versus mode on Death Toll and Dead Air. YAY! I can't wait for it really. I'll try to do a serious writing of some sort later. Maybe.
For now I'll share the videos of the new Loot Cards in action. The fun times is enough to make me want to sign on to a PTR and have fun with the stupid fun that it creates with beating people with foam swords. YAY!
Videos after the jump..
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