
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Spider-man reboot already?!

Yep. You read right. Spider-man is already (not even 10 yrs old) getting a reboot. I'm baffled. While delighted that the scream worthy rumors I had been hearing are now dead, these new ones make me twitch. I mean, seriously? WITH ALL the movie worthy titles marvel has - they want to reboot Spider-man?

Well given they've done, what, four reboots of the comic in the last two years. Why not add the movie to the list? Makes me very sad. They had something going, three was horrid but that didn't mean four couldn't recover. With Spidy there is a lot of martial to work with, lots of ground you can cover. You can find the link after the jump.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Still alive.. Dealing with Life changes..

So life keeps changing. I'm still playing wow, I now own a Wii, PS3 and I'm looking at hand helds to bring in to my gaming life. Right now I'm taking a break from WoW.. Not by choice. My gaming PC after being upgraded to Windows 7 ( Which is FUCKING AMAZING ) has run in to some issues.

With the help of friends I've trouble-shooted it down to being either the HDD's or maybe even the OS. Rare but it happens. Worst all out scenario is my MB is fucked. I hope not but hey shit happens. We all know this.

I've been consuming my time with Little Big Planet, playing through Bioshock on the PS3 while I wait for Bioshock 2 to be released. VtM: Bloodlines again with the updated unofficial patches. And other things. I'm trying to sort my self out so to speak, so this blog may become a little more personal. For the moment I'm not modeling. Though I'd like to, I'm kinda in hiding just because I'm sorting things out as they come for me.

My Husband joined the army and is in basic right now. My gaming has been what keeps me going. I'm looking to start blogging again just to give me a focus to keep me rolling along since i seem to be getting "stuck". Your welcome to keep following or to get lost, its all fine and dandy by me. Gaming is my hobby and my passion.

But understand I'm Human. I have a life. I'm doing this on the side for fun to share my thoughts on things, I'm not getting paid so from time to time, things are bound to slip through the cracks.

So forgive me if you like, for sake me if you wish, but remember : I AM HUMAN!