
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Apple thought..

Does anyone else find it funny that Steve Jobs won't allow for any progression for the iPhone to support flash when the apple website uses it in ever aspect they can? Oh and that its supposedly a "dying" format of code and everyone will be using HTML5? Someone ask him to look at his company's website before he makes such silly statements. While the man is smart and knows how to get the public's true attention of things worth their time, he seems not to see things as they are now. I understand he's trying to push the boundaries, but till everyone jumps on the apple train and uses HTML5, could to try to support flash, please?

Btw, the video has nothing to do with this blurb. Just a song and video I find appealing right now. That's all. Note worthy movies..

While there has been a great amount of buzz regarding video game, comic and general nerd movies to be hitting the big screen in 2010, only a few have been making their way out for grubby hands to share and bitch about. Two were reported to get Super Bowl add spots, but alas I only seen one. That one being Prince of Persia. I played the game ages ago and in my thirst for Bioshock ownership, traded it in. Nothing a truly regret, considering I can get it for a decent price now if the urge to play strikes me