
Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekend Nerd Round up

Karen Gillan aka "Amy Pond", Current Doctor Who Companion
So. It was a busy nerdy weekend it seems. Some things funny, somethings not so funny. So I'm going to give you a quick run down of things.

First up :
Karen Gillan the current Doctor who Companion actress it seems got lost after one hell of a party at The Ace Hotel. I'll leave you with the article snip it from Topless Robot :
Doctor Who star Karen Gillan was found naked in a New York hotel corridor after a night of riotous partying.

Miss Gillan, 23, who plays the Time Lord's assistant Amy Pond, was seen 'whimpering' in the nude by guests at 7am before security arrived, wrapped her in a sheet and escorted her to her room.
She and co-stars including Matt Smith, who plays the Doctor, had been put up at The Ace, one of Manhattan's trendiest hotels, during a promotional trip.

After fulfilling their duties, the cast and crew enjoyed 'one long party', according to fellow guests. One permanent male guest told the Daily Mail he heard someone trying to open his door at 7am. 

The resident, who later identified the stranger as Miss Gillan, said: 'I went to the peephole and looked out. I saw a man at the lift who was looking back at someone who was attempting to open my door... the next thing I saw was a woman giving this person at my door two towels before getting into the lift and leaving. 

'Then I saw this young woman, completely naked, trying to wrap two towels around her and not having much luck. 'She then started to whimper and knock on my door. Seeing that she wasn't getting anywhere, she lay down with the towels covering her.'

Friday, June 24, 2011

Geekyest way to say Marry me?

I found this on and had to share it. As far as geeky marriage proposals that I've seen or read about this has to be up there. Most tend to be game related. Like the now well know story of the man who hacked his girlfriends Bejeweled game to pop the question. One so clever that Pop Games, the maker of Bejeweled even helped the couple out by paying for their honey moon.

Others have followed suit, hacking games, staging events it seems. With the advent of the internet fame that can come with being sickeningly sweet and geeky each man (or women) is out to over throw the current "Geeky Marriage proposal" couple. Youtube is full of them. Makes you wonder what some of these people would have done twenty years ago when they had to be satisfied with simply retelling the story to friends and family who couldn't be there for the big event.

I can't honestly say one way or another if I would enjoy the attention or would want my significant other to go about asking me to marry them in such a way. I suppose for me as a geek girl it'd have to be done in a rather interesting way.  Mainly being, since I do surf the internet without a guide (MWAHAHA) I do stumble across those proposals as everyone links them, talks about them and re-posts them. I beleive I would be disappointed with the lack of creativity in my partner if they chose to copy someone else idea. Like that whole rose story from ages past that I'm sure millions of guys thought them selves "ever so clever" by copying the idea and replaying it out with the girl they were with (and hoped like hell she didn't know the story!) at the time.   Nothing wrong with it, but when I can Google it and five at least 7 "How to" type sites suggesting this, its time to find something else gents!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Now if your a Harry Potter fan your panties are in a bunch with the movie so close to release. And potentially even more so since Ms. Rowling put Pottermore up a few weeks back leaving everyone guessing as to what it could/would be. I honestly hoped it was a MMORPG (like I NEED another game) as the world of HP is as vast as our own and much of it has yet to be discovered truly. (Like why isn't there any Asian or American wizards?) The books themselves have created a cult following unlike any modern books, and the movies have only furthered that. I'm honestly waiting for the last movie before I pick up the books and begin back tracking.

Yes, this means I've not read them. At the time the series started the few friends I had in to the books actually managed to creep even me out with how obsessed they became. Those people are no longer in my life so its an idea I've considered for some time now. But with the movies almost over, I figured it might be good to finish one and then go to the other. I'm getting off track here though!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Did you really miss me?

Some things never change. And one of those things I can promise you, is that I am a gamer. Its been a year since I last gave anyone a peep to me being alive. I've mainly been living my life and figuring things out. Much has passed, moved on and for lack of anything else, fallen to dust.

The notion has struck me, that I have the time now - even with going back to school - that I have the time to actually write. The question came do I write for this blog or the other blog. Well, my choice was this one as I am still a 100% gamer. But I've not done anything news worthy in the Model world. And I'm not sure if I will to be honest. But given geeky things happen everyday - why not talk about that?